Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WIP ~ A Pink Shawl

I'm still chugging away at my crochet piece.  I am enjoying working on this but had I thought about selecting a yarn a little longer I would have chosen a sport or even an aran weight because the heavier the weight the easier it would have been for me to get gauge.  This is being done in a Malabrigo Lace so I have to work a little slower to get the double crochets close to the same size.  This was really nerve wrecking at first but I'm use to it now.  I'm still not able to work fast on this but I am able to work steadily without getting frustrated.
The yarn is a dream to crochet with because the wool lace feels so warm and smooth going through my fingers.  It's interesting how differently you get to experience the yarn on the fingers with knitting as opposed to crocheting.  This will be a shawl or shawlette.  I just pulled out a second skein this morning but you know crocheting takes up way more yarn than knitting.  I have three skeins of this yarn but two will be my limit for this project. 
I haven't worked much with Malabrigo Lace but this is turning out really pretty. 


Ohhh if I were two people I would have a slew of crochet and knitting projects done.

Anyway, have a Great Week.  Talk to You soon.

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Anonymous said...

Very pretty! Crochet feels so different from knitting. To me, it feels like I speed along with crochet. While, with knitting I feel so pokey. LOL

Christine N said...

I love the two people comment... Sometimes I wish I were an octopus so I could work on all my projects at once. Your shawl looks like it's coming along beautifully!

Ali said...

Your shawl is beautiful, such a lovely colour. I love crochet but wish I could knit quicker it always takes me ages. I could do with a double who knits really well.
Ali xx

Deb Hickman said...

It's beautiful and I love the colour. X

elns said...

Such a pretty pink! Never used Malabrigo Lace, but it sounds like you like it! (I find lace-weight intimidating)

Unknown said...

I'd never thought about how yarn feels differently whether you are knitting or crocheting, I'm going to have to see if I can tell a difference now.

Your shawl looks very pretty, I've had some mal lace in my yarn stash for a year now waiting to be turned into a cardigan. One day...!

autumngeisha said...

Your crochet is beautiful! I can't imagine crocheting with lace weight yarn...I can barely knit with it. But I love Malabrigo Lace and have some in my stash. It is so soft.

Kat said...

This is definitely growing fabulously! Looks so dreamy and soft!