Well, almost all of the things. I have been busy for the past few weeks with crafts, reading and doing things to challenge my brain. I have a daily-theme crossword app that I visit every day. It's not a tough crossword puzzle by any means but I'm learning trivia and I love trivia !
Long Overdue
I am years overdue for making an afghan. Every January I tell myself "For sure I'm making an afghan...) I started this Granny Striped Blanket the other day and it's fun. I found several skeins of acrylic yarns in my stash that were sort of in the same color scheme so why not. There is no rhyme or reason to my matching these stripes. This blanket will strictly go by my mood or vibes and I will hook it as I see fit. Instead of doing two rows and changing colors I'm going to change if and when I feel like making a change. Not much about this Afghan will be uniform. It's going to be very hodgy-podgy.
I was inspired by Lefty-Crafter by her
Lapgham post to try a motif. I love motifs so I thought I would try. One try turned into one type then another then another until I laid the yarn down. One actually came out pretty decent but I was still not satisfied. I will try another day. Practice makes perfect.
On Books
I'm the last two weeks I have read one book, one novella and listened to a relatively short audiobook. The first book The Dreamers was amazing. The writing was pretty good, the development of the characters and their lives was pretty good. A couple of my friends had recommended the book to me without really telling me about the book. Guess what. It's about a pandemic but the virus is more of a sleep virus. That alone hooked me to the story. So much of the author's pandemic is like the pandemic we are going through. Karen Thompson Walker covered her pandemic well. It is an interesting read and I would recommend this book especially since it is not a long one to get through.

Midnight Son I would recommend to anyone. This short story is set in Alaska and is about a native named Teddy Smith that had branched away from what his town was use to. Teddy Smith actually got into show business and was respected by his town until an unfortunate event happens. Teddy is not the main character but the the author is. James Dommek jr. who sets out to find out exactly what happened with Teddy Smith that caused Smith to get into trouble. James Dommek jr. investigates and interviews everyone that he can as he is seeking the spiritual and non-spiritual explanation of the incident. I won't say anymore except this story holds my heart and is definitely worth reading.

So Long Lollipop was a Kindle book that was given to me for free. I will accept almost any free book even if it isn't what I usually read. The story is relatively short, well written and about zombies. If you're into zombies I would recommend this one. it's typical in that the human characters are always fighting the zombies. This is the first part of Ms. Fleming's zombie series. I hope to find another interesting read this weekend.
As an adult getting back into coloring I feel new to it. It's not flowing yet. I am using Crayola's watercolor markers (set of 20). They bleed and the tips are round. I have a set of Crayola pencils but I'm thinking I will need a more professional set. To be honest I have never colored with pencils. I will try as the coloring is fun and tests my patience though.
Pretty intense huh !
Good thing I checked...
I was going to post these socks on Friday but when I put them on the sock blockers I discovered that the cables were incorrect on one of the feet. It was above the heel so the foot and heel had to be taken down. Arrrrgh ! There's no rush to have them or work on them so into the TBC (to be completed) pile they go.
The cables are supposed to look like this throughout but somehow I got off track
As you can see these cables are short. Not acceptable ! I have work to do.
I have more all the things but I'll share the next time I post.
Enjoy Your Weekend !