Friday, June 26, 2020

A Crocheter in the Family

First off I want to praise my baby cousin for being a wonderful and creative crocheter.  She makes and sells these jumpsuits.  It's her own pattern.   She makes them quickly and they are perfection.  She has sold several already.

A bit about my Family

This post began as one thing but grew into something else because I can't talk about one baby cousin without speaking about the other siblings.  

Baby Cousins

Baby Cousins are the children of my first cousins.  I really feel like they are my nieces and nephews since my first cousins were more like my siblings.  Now these two began ballet lessons when they were wee ones.  They are now just turning 20 and 21 and are at university now.  

As you can imagine we are quite proud of them !

Even their little brothers are taking ballet lessons.

Hope you all have a great weekend !


  1. OMG!!!! The jumpsuit is totally awesome, although you really must have a figure like your model to pull that off!!!

    And your dancers!!! How proud you must be of them. They are gorgeous....nothing more beautiful than a ballerina! Do they just dance at their universities or do they do community dance as well? They really look so professional!!!

    1. Thank You Steph ! They dance for their community and church. They compete once a year in Italy. The family is awe of them because the most our generation (and the one before) has done is to take music lessons. Thanks for the compliment !

    2. Thank You Steph ! They dance for their community and church. They compete once a year in Italy. The family is awe of them because the most our generation (and the one before) has done is to take music lessons. Thanks for the compliment !

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Where do they perform? Ballerinas have such fantastic discipline. I loved seeing photos of them "dancing" how sweet that the tradition continues with their brothers.

    1. They perform their school, community and church. They compete once a gear in Italy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my goodness! Such amazing talent! (I'm lucky to remain upright just regular dancing! No skills. . .) So much love in your post for your family. What a blessing! I hope you get to watch often!

  4. What a fabulous pattern, it's always nice to see that crafts like crochet are being passed down through families. There was a time when knitting and crochet were going out of fashion so I'm glad to see a resurgence. Your baby cousins are beautiful, and what a talent they have. I could watch ballet all day, so graceful. Thank you so much for all the kind comments you have left on recent posts, it's been a great comfort to know I've been in so many people's thoughts at this sad time.


Scoops of Espresso...