Saturday, May 25, 2019

Weekend Plans

I'll be kicking back and relaxing for sure after a few errands.  I'm hoping to;
  1. Find more perennials (especially in white)
  2. Purchase a birdbath
  3. Knitting  (of course)
  4. Change the location of a plant that has out grown it's space (or have someone do this for me)
  5. Purchase a new pair of Garden shoes or boots 
  6. Purchase a purple yarn for a special project
  7. Purchase a cotton dk for a special project
  8. Read a chapter or 2 or 3
  9. Purchase a news water hose 
  10. Call Family members up north 
It's not such a bad list but I'm predicting that at least 60% of these will get done.

Knitting News

I finally buckled down and continued working on my cowl.  The Silk and Merino yarn has been a dream to work with.  It may be the softest yarn I've ever  used.

Enjoy Your Weekend Everyone !

1 comment:

  1. Wishing YOU a very good weekend too. All of those things sound pretty do-able. Well, maybe except for moving the big plant. THAT'S a lot of work.

    Steve and I cut down and dug out the roots of two dead bushes this week. I know just how old I am now ---------too old to be digging up trees.


Scoops of Espresso...